MyWakes for Developers Platform Monthly subscription
You can now easily connect your Mobile App or custom device to MyWakes!
No matter the OS, the hardware nor the programming language: you can track anything simply by using MyWakes for Developers Platform Rest APIs.
Start your first month free month than purchase your monthly subscription fee in order to do not lose any point.
Please follow these easy steps to connect your device to MyWakes tracking platform.
The service includes:
- six months of data retention;
- unlimited calls to MyWakes for Developers Platform Rest APIs;
- full access to MyWakes Developer’s Console;
- IP whitelist and blacklist;
- more than 200 endpoints (increasing) specifically designed to solve geo-location and tracking tasks;
- authenticated requests and responses, all in HTTPS, even iframes;
- link with MyWakes IFTTT service and all MyWakes actions like emails, SMSs, voice calls and webhooks;
- possibility to add custom waypoints and custom cartography;
- possibility to overlap, in view mode, with Google topographical or satellite maps, personal maps, technical or professional maps, or Kml-Kmz tourist maps, which can be downloaded from the internet (maps of trails, tourist itineraries, mountain-bike paths, ski slopes, etc.);
- activation of alarms for beginning or finishing a track and for SOS;
- full access to MyWakes geofence system;
- exchange of messages and sharing of maps and itineraries or Radar with other Users;
- and much more...